Corporate Social Responsability

The Company / Corporate Social Responsability

Corporate Social Responsability

FiveFold supports programs that aim to conserve the environment and society as a whole, taking care of the environmental and social impacts that the evolution of IT systems may implicate.

Respect for the environment is an essential value to have in order to guarantee the liveability for future generations and it represents a constant and long-term commitment for us.

and esteem
of the environment.
“Totally paperless”

As a company we adopt a preventive approach towards environmental challenges. For the protection of greenery, we are a “totally paperless” company: our every internal process is digitalized and dematerialized so as to respect nature and at the same time guarantee a cut in costs, time and waste and to offer more security. Therefore, we support an efficient use of company resources, encouraging the development and spread of technologies that respect the environment.


and esteem
of the environment.
“Totally paperless”

As a company we adopt a preventive approach towards environmental challenges. For the protection of greenery, we are a “totally paperless” company: our every internal process is digitalized and dematerialized so as to respect nature and at the same time guarantee a cut in costs, time and waste and to offer more security. Therefore, we support an efficient use of company resources, encouraging the development and spread of technologies that respect the environment.

Social progress and improvement
of the quality of life

Social progress needs constant commitment and to us it represents a required procedure. In particular, we support charity initiatives and we participate in supportive activities through partnerships and by financing projects and humanitarian initiatives, all in the hope of reducing inequality, the income gap between different countries, social poverty and to improve the quality of life for the less fortunate.

For the past few years, we have supported humanitarian associations with our contributions and since 2017 we have been supporting Calcio sociale, an amateur Onlus sport Association which, has worked with young people at high risk of deviant behaviour for over 10 years, proposing educational and pedagogical activities for the child and his family. Activities that get the kids involved at 360 degrees.

Economic progress

For the economical-social sustainability we are working to generate a lasting growth of the economic indicators through the creation of income and work, for the sustenance of the populations and an efficient combination of internal resources. We aim towards efficiency intended as the elimination of waste.

Economic progress

For the economical-social sustainability we are working to generate a lasting growth of the economic indicators through the creation of income and work, for the sustenance of the populations and an efficient combination of internal resources. We aim towards efficiency intended as the elimination of waste.

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