Ethical pact with suppliers

FiveFold Ecosystem / Ethical pact with suppliers

Ethical pact with suppliers

FiveFold is deeply linked to its own supply chain because service vendors are more and more integrated in business models and they take part in the creation of a quality service. In fact, they are directly involved in the processes of development and maintenance of the whole quality ecosystem that is the foundation of FiveFold.

FiveFold asks its suppliers not only to be professional and capable, but also to adhere to the company’s core values and therefore, while selecting vendors, FiveFold pays great attention to the following elements:

Technical and management capabilities;
Economic and budget reliability;
Ethical requirements;
Obligation to fight against corruption;
Protection and safeguard of the environment;
Promotion of safe and healthy work conditions;
Absence of forced labour and economic exploitation of minors.

Suppliers are required to declare, through their contractual paperwork, that they have understood FiveFold’s ethical values and that they will feel obligated to respect the normative regarding workplace safety and safeguard of workers’ health, as well as protecting the environment and following the international standards of employment law. The process of qualification of vendors is part of the vast Vendor Management system which also includes the careful monitoring of suppliers through audit, inspections and evaluation processes of their performances; all of this has been put together thanks to the contribution of the units that manage the vendors’ contracts. The system is designed in order to safeguard the integrity of the sustainability of the supply chain and if a vendor should not respect FiveFold’s standards, it will be put under observation, limited in its activities, suspended or even fired from the role of supplier.

Each supplier/subcontractor is therefore required to conform its behaviour to the principles of loyalty, honesty and decency and to follow FiveFold’s Charter of Values throughout time.

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